Research Workbook Tasks – Years 12 & 13 (including Madrid work)
Next book collection will be right after half term holiday to give you chance to finish all of the Madrid research – Monday 25th Feb (Day 3) which is a book day.
The basic task is the same for both Year 12s & Y13s:
Before Madrid:
3 sides for the Japanorama video (Describe the contemporary Japanese Art & it’s context – see the sheet!)
7 sides of illustrated research into the lives, context and art of any 3 of the following list of artists whose work you will be seeing in Madrid (3 artists spread over the 7 sides, not 7 sides per artist!):
Velazquez Bosch Goya Murillo Breughel El Greco Rubens
Rembrandt Durer Picasso Tintoretto Dali Tapies Miro
Prepare 20 sides for working on in Madrid – some might be textured, others might be simple washes. Remember that you need to be able to work over these BACKGROUNDS with pencil, pen & other media that you will take with you. Don’t make them too dark or heavy.
During Madrid:
You will choose a specific theme that will help you focus during the Madrid trip – remember you won’t just be working in the galleries. You are visiting the CITY OF MADRID. You must begin (and in some cases complete) at least 20 sides during the trip. A few bus tickets are OK, but it isn’t a scrap book. It is a Critical, Contextual & Visual Diary investigation!
Themes to choose from (choose one to focus your research on the WHOLE trip):
Light Movement Texture Surfaces Barriers Power Tension Frames
After Madrid:
Finish off the pages – some can be left wild and energetic, but you should make some pages really sumptuous!
Much of your CONTEXTUAL research might be added after you return (but check the galleries for information whilst you are actually there).
Plus (integrated within all of that) 3 sides (minimum) about the development of your own current project(s)
Next book collection will be right after half term holiday to give you chance to finish all of the Madrid research – Monday 25th Feb (Day 3) which is a book day.
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